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Essay correction

Essay correction

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corrections system can do much more in regards to education, follow up, and subsequent matriculation into general society. More emphasis should first be placed on properly educating those in the corrections system. It is very common for individuals to repeat crimes due in part to lack of skills to enter the workforce. This is now becoming especially true as individuals are now competing for fewer jobs within the overall U. Last month, only 69, jobs were added to the economy. The jobs added last month don't even keep pace with the U. population growth. If individuals with no prior criminal activity are finding it…. Corrections Accreditation and Privatization In recent times, the field of corrections has been seeking to address quite a number of emerging issues as a result of a wide range of catalysts including but of course not limited to privatization and accreditation.

In this text, I explore a number of issues to do with corrections accreditation and privatization. Corrections Accreditation According to Stinchcomb , corrections accreditation can be taken to be "an official recognition that a correctional program or facility has met certain national standards following an on-site audit. As Stinchcomb notes, just as is the case with universities and hospitals or other organizations seeking to enhance their performance levels, the relevance of accreditation for corrections cannot be overstated.

In regard to how the development professional of corrections officers is impacted on by corrections…. References Foster, B. Corrections: The Fundamentals. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Segal, G. Comparing Public and Private Prisons on Quality. pdf Stinchcomb, J. Taylor and Francis. To date, there has been a great deal of reluctance to adopt a harm reduction approach in the United States for two fundamental reasons: The first reason stems from the argument that if harm were reduced for users the result would be an increase in the prevalence of drug use and, therefore, increased harm to society in terms of health care costs and violent crime.

Those taking this position present as supporting evidence the fact that improved automobile safety features have led to increased speeding by drivers. In addition, it has been suggested that because drug users are risk takers to begin with, they may increase use or risky behavior to compensate for the harm reduction assumptions that substance use is part of the human condition. The second reason is based on concerns about "sending the wrong message. References About CCA. Corrections Corporation of America. Brocato, J. Harm reduction: A social work practice model and social justice agenda. Health and Social Work, 28 2 , Camp, S. And Daggett, D. Evaluation of the Taft Demonstration Project: Performance of a private-sector prison and the BOP.

Federal Bureau of Prisons. Corrections Corp. Of America CXW. Corrections Jonathan Franzen's the Corrections What made correction possible also doomed it. Although the novel transpires in real time as well as in flashback, it is fundamentally a novel of memory. The memory of the past reaffirms the inability of the use of an idealized past to correct the future, or to give children and parents a new memory of an idealized family past. One cannot remember something truly and perfectly and recreate a memory, without either erasing some painful truths, or accepting that the past was not as perfect as one might hope.

The idea of 'correction' is usually applied in the singular rather than in the plural. Correction inspires the idea of erasing what was wrong and easily replacing what was right -- even though this might…. Corrections Gius, Mark. The Economics of the Criminal Behavior of Young Adults: Estimation of an Economic Model of Crime with a Correction for Aggregate Market and Public Policy Variables. The American ournal of Economics and Sociology. October Retrieved November 07, from HighBeam Research Library Web site. Mark Gius uses a combination of individual-level and county-level data to estimate an economic model of crime for young adults.

This data is similar to that used by Becker in and Trumbull in , and in order to estimate a model of crime in both areas, researchers took into account the bias introduced by using aggregate-level data in conjunction with individual-level data. In order to eliminate this bias, researchers used a technique derived by Moulton in Results from a logit regression model indicate that race, sex, and peer pressure have statistically significant effects on the probability that a young…. Jacobs claims that Johnson has written about he most invisible of these incarcerated women, the African-American women. In , African-American women had an incarceration rate of per , compared to 25 per , for non-Hispanic white women. Johnson interviewed over women, their family members, service providers who interact with them, and criminal justice professionals.

In this book she addresses multiple audiences, each with a different level of education and knowledge about the functioning of law. Most importantly, the book is directed towards the women whose life stories are relayed, as well as the hundreds of thousands of incarcerated women who have had remarkably similar experiences. Johnson uses the book to address lawyers, judges and legal scholars who, while well versed in the law, lag behind in their understanding of the conditions facing African-American women who are accused of committing crimes. She constructs the project such that everyone in society is forced to acknowledge the humanity of incarcerated black women.

There are two appendices to the book, the first is a self-study course on African-American Women's History, which is an extensive reading list of material about African-American women. The second appendix is an actual resource guide that includes listings of legal and social support organizations, health services, groups that provide information about issues of sexual orientation, advocacy groups for female inmates and their families, and educational and literary groups which focus on female inmates. Corrections Describe the social, political, and economic factors which are expected to impact correctional hiring in the next few years.

There has been an explosion of hiring in corrections. However, recent economic challenges make such unabated growth unlikely in the future. Perhaps the most critical economic and social factors likely to impact correctional hiring in coming years will be the budget cuts and financial setbacks that will restrict spending on prisons. Prisons must 'do more with less' as they face burgeoning populations yet have less money to spend on guards. Early release programs have been…. References Gideon, L. Sung, H. Rethinking corrections: Rehabilitation, reentry, and reintegration. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Schmalleger, F. Corrections in the 21st Century. Second Chance Act of The period of time that happens right after an offender is released is such a crucial time in the determination of whether a person is going to re offend or not.

If the New Jersey state sentencing laws continue to go down the path that they are on, there is never going to be any reductions seen in the recidivism rates and the goal of public safety is never going to be met. There are always going to be offenders, but it is how we handle these people within the system that matters. The laws not only have to include punishment, but they must also give direction for both rehabilitation and reintegration. Providing rehabilitation programs and making these mandatory, I feel will help to greatly reduce the number of offenders who're offend. There also needs to be a strong reintegration program set up in order to facilitate the re entry…. Works Cited Blakely, Curtis. Statutory Changes to Sentencing under the NJ Code of Criminal Justice: to Present.

pdf Michael, Marcus. Corrections Accreditation and Privatization Privatization and accreditation are some of the emerging and largely contentious issues in the corrections field. In this text, I concern myself with a number of issues relating to prisons privatization and corrections accreditation. Corrections Accreditation The American Correctional Association n. It is important to note that corrections accreditation does have an effect on not only the facilities being accredited but also on corrections officers themselves in relation to their professional development. For instance, as ACA n. notes, one of the main benefits of correctional accreditation specifically to facilities has to do with the implementation of all the relevant procedures and policies. Further, to be accredited, facilities have….

References American Correctional Association. Standards and Accreditation: Overview of Accreditation. asp Reid, S. Criminal Justice Essentials. John Wiley and Sons. The Reason Foundation. I thought it was very interesting to read the section on the misconceptions in regards to the Florida State Prisons. There is always talk about how prisoners have cable TV and don't do a lot of work. It was nice to see that these things are not really true. I also like the idea that they are helping to grow part of the food that it takes to sustain them. This is a great cost saving measure that should be implemented when ever possible. eferences Department of Corrections Institutional Programs a Positive Impact on Inmate Lives.

html Martin, ebekah. Different Types of Correctional Facilities. html McFarland, Stephen, McGowan, Chris and O'Toole, Tom. Prisons, Privatization, and Public Values. htm Punishment - From…. References Department of Corrections Institutional Programs a Positive Impact on Inmate Lives. html Martin, Rebekah. Retrieved May 24, ,. What is the best solution for jail overcrowding? The best solution might be using a combination of different efficiency measures. These same efficiency measures and alternative programs have been tested in jurisdictions throughout the country. Communities across the U. have sought to avoid the need for larger facilities without compromising community safety, and many have been successful in doing so with this system. Some examples of these efficiency measures include: Citation programs: Programs that give citations to offenders without booking them through the arrest process.

These citations can entail a notice to appear or a desk appearance ticket, and eliminate unnecessary jail bookings. This solution has been used in the case of low-level, misdemeanor crimes Kaplan, Improving Release Procedures for the Pretrial and Sentenced Populations: These improvements decrease jail populations by ensuring that people are moving through the system in a timely fashion Kaplan, Bibliography Coppola, a. Shock it to me. Retrieved Apr 6, , from corrections. Why not in our county? Cost-effective solutions to jail. Retrieved Apr 6, , from realcostofprisons. pdf MacKenzie, D. Correctional boot camps: military basic training or a model for corrections? Thousand Oaks: Sage. Researchers investigate the world of female corrections officers. correctional system The rate of lock ups has greatly increased in America at a rate that is higher than most developed nations around the world.

According to the human rights watch article, privately run services spiked up in the year due to the fact that federal prison systems were extremely overcrowded housing more prisoners than any other country in the world. The cost of operating a prison has also become costly. Robert, Racial discrimination also clearly…. Oracle Education Foundation, The United States Prison System: A Glimpse Behind the Bars. html Fangmeier, A. Robert, Myths and Realities About Prisons and Jails. html author. Careful attention must be applied to assure that the monies are being delegated to the right fund and that all probationers are reporting in a timely manner.

Resources and funding is more often than not very limited in County and State Probation Offices which leads to overworked staff members and under-supervised probationers. Elements Affecting the Status of Granting or Denial of Probation Elements that are known to affect whether an individual receives probation are such things as whether the individual has a previous record. For example with the three strikes law, the third time a violent offense is committed the individual will have no probationary status granted except in extremely rare cases. Whether the individual is employed and…. Corrections and Violence Corrections - Police It is rare for a week to go by that there is not a media report concerning an incident somewhere in the country of excessive use of force by law enforcement.

The Rodney King incident, which sparked riots in Los Angeles, has become synonymous with the excessive use of force by police. New York City's police department has received national attention during recent years for incidents involving its police officers excessive use of force. A eight-month investigation by the ashington Post found a pattern of "reckless and indiscriminate" shootings by police officers during that decade, "the extent of which had been hidden from public scrutiny through inadequate investigations and oversight" United pp. In fact, shootings by DC police doubled between and , even though homicides had fallen from a record peak in and from mid, there were fifty-four cases in which…. Mandatory Arrest-Problems and Possibilities. The necessary hours of treatment within a three-week period should offer the offender positive reinforcement for various positive behaviors exhibited during treatment.

The targeted population of such programs should contain mainly high and medium risk offenders who would have a much higher chance of returning to their previous life of crime. These higher risk offenders have greater potential in returning to crime, and therefore should be highest on the list of treatment programs, this is according to the "risk principle," Voorhis, Correction assessment officials are responsible for determining the risk each offender offers to returning to crime, Bonta, After the completion of the formal treatment, the program must offer supplemental treatment as needed by various offenders. Further care for offenders dealing with sex crimes and drug offenses is also a necessity, for these crimes prove to be hard to avoid once within their grasp. With the successful….

In order to effectively succeed, treatments must contain the necessary elements outlined within the Principles of Intervention. First off, research has proven offenders needs more extreme types of behavioral conditioning in order to fully adapt to the desired behavior, much unlike traditional methods used with normal citizens. These practices have the most efficiency based on previous research. These procedures need to be fully documented in terms of structure within a program manual. In order for these techniques to work best, they need to also be implemented at the offender's place of residence. With the successful implementation of these principles within treatment programs, correction facilities may see a sharp decrease in repeat offenders at their door for another stint within their walls.

Many of today's treatment programs within correctional facilities all over the state have proven extremely unsuccessful. With these proven methods, released inmates have a much better chance at keeping their new found freedom. These methods have proven themselves to be sound principles based on the amount and significance of research which stands behind their origin and design. Due to the population in question, very particular methods have proven to be more successful than others time and time again. By shifting treatment programs to meet the needs of these guidelines, correctional facilities offer their freed inmates a better.

Immediately, the number of probation violations dropped. The Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska imposed a similar program in for misdemeanor cases and also saw immediate positive results in probation completion and reduced recidivism Boyd, When probation was first used the idea was to try and give certain criminals a second chance to redeem themselves and prove that they could be law abiding citizens without having to spend time in jail. Over time it has become more of a way to deal with those criminals who have not committed very serious crimes.

Due to the overcrowding of the jails that society is facing now there is simply no room for those people who have not committed a serious crime. Jails have to preserve a safe and secure environment in order to protect their inmates, staff, visitors, and the community as a whole. In the past, a lot of jails have…. References Boyd, Karen. Probation Effectiveness. html Hutchinson, Virginia, Keller, Kristen and Reid, Thomas. pdf Probation and Parole: History, Goals, and Decision-Making - Origins of Probation and. How well can community sanctions serve the purposes of criminal punishment? The degree to which community sanctions serve the purposes of criminal punishment depend largely on the underlying philosophy of criminal punishment in society.

Specifically, to the extent criminal punishment is intended as retributive punishment, community sanctions do not serve the purpose of criminal punishment. Conversely, to the extent criminal punishment is intended to rehabilitate prisoners to facilitate a successful return to a productive life after their release, community sanctions may serve the purposes of criminal punishment more than absolute terms of incarceration. In the most modern approach to reducing crime in society and recidivism among released convicts, criminologists emphasize the importance of directing efforts designed to reduce the complex underlying social and sociological factors that are considered substantially responsible for creating criminality in the first place.

That approach is furthered much more by an emphasis on rehabilitation and…. The author uses lyrical prose to underscore the characters' actions and thoughts, especially Manon. For example, she writes, "I sat late in the cold room tending it, feeding it, until sparks ignited the dry tinder of my resentment, and it was as if I were sitting in a furnace" Martin The passage is extremely lyrical and symbolic, and it shows the burning anger that is flaming inside Manon, and gives the impression she will not be able to easily put this fire out. The author uses lyrical language like this throughout the novel, often using it in the way Manon speaks and thinks to indicate that she is a strong-willed and passionate woman, who does not deserve to be the property of anyone.

The author uses diction to portray the difference in the characters and their social stations. Manon speaks and narrates in perfect English, while Sarah and the…. Excessive obedience to authority in defiance of moral laws may be justified because of the stresses of policing, and also because of the necessary obedience required to do the job in an effective fashion of teamwork and trust. Walking home in a neighborhood that seems suspicious, I do feel better to see a police car than not to see one. But I have also been afraid, at times, when pulled over by an angry policeman, even if I have done nothing wrong, or committed a minor infraction. I know the power of the badge and the fact that an officer is more likely to be believed in court than myself.

Trust in the police can never be absolute, so long as one is aware of the potential for abuse from individuals in such powerful positions. What is the criminal punishment and what do you think is the basis for the…. They are not good at paying attention to future consequences. But paying attention to future consequences is essential if someone is to be deterred by the threat or even the imposition of a criminal punishment Nagin, n. In a study done by Lynch it was shown that in the 's, 's, and 's there was a noticeable increase in the rate of incarceration.

An examination of the incarceration and crime data from revealed that there was no evidence of deterrence at the collective level for the U. Additional analysis of cross-sectional crime and imprisonment trends for through also failed to offer any basic support for the deterrence hypothesis. This study showed that imprisonment does not deter most criminals. In fact, over the twenty-one year period examined, crime went up along with rates of incarceration. This indicates a need to rethink the position concerning the deterrent effects….

References Lynch, M. Beating a dead horse: Is there any basic empirical evidence for the deterrent effect of imprisonment? Nagin, D. Deterrence Chapter 4. It is difficult and almost impossible to determine whether or not punishment is effective, considering that it can actually influence felons to adopt harsher attitudes with the purpose of getting revenge for being punished. The idea of capital punishment is especially controversial, as there were a series of cases throughout history involving such measures being taken for crimes that were not necessarily severe. As a consequence, some individuals did not hesitate to commit grave crimes as long as they knew that the punishment would eventually be the same.

Numerous unnecessary crimes took place before the authorities realized that they needed to reform their policies with regard to the idea of punishment. A lot has changed when considering the concept of punishment in the contemporary society, as people have come to gain a more complex understanding of crimes and have gotten actively involved in taking on attitudes that would represent effective…. Works cited: Lyons, Lewis, "The History of Punishment," Amber Books, Miethe, Terance D. Some of them blame it on the unhappy childhood and home life that they have, while others have mental problems, do drugs, or are pushed into it by their peers.

Because there are so many reasons, the purpose of this paper is to discuss these reasons and what causes juveniles to involve themselves in these types of criminal activities. Discussed during the paper will be reasons that deal with unhappy home lives, as well as reasons that deal with alcohol and drugs. Peer pressure and mental instability will also be mentioned as these are also reasons that juveniles might commit crimes or illegal acts. It is no secret that there are many people in the United States that cannot afford the basic necessities that they really need to survive. They may not have…. First of all, the number of people being arrested "is far lower than the number of crimes being committed," an indication that placing repeat and habitual offenders in prison for longer periods of time has decreased the arrest rate.

Second, some crime analysts have estimated that keeping repeat and habitual offender in prison has lowered crimes by individuals by as much as fifteen crimes per year which when multiplied with the 1. Obviously, this "prison experiment" of locking up repeat and habitual offenders for longer periods of time seems to have been a success. Kathleen Auerhahn, writing in Selective Incapacitation and Public Policy, points out that both forms of incapacitation have greatly reduced the number of criminals on the streets of America and have…. References Auerhahn, Kathleen. Selective Incapacitation and Public Policy.

New York: Philosophy of Criminal History. Sentencing Commission. Seligman, Dan. Retrieved October 24, from www. They also point out the relatively low pay compared scale with other law enforcement professionals, and the fact that officers have no law enforcement responsibilities outside of the institution where they work, unlike police officers who have a responsibility to protect the community, even when they are technically off-duty. This may reflect the higher educational requirements of the federal system and the more extensive duties of corrections officers on a federal level. However, the types of critical thinking required in a prison environment go beyond mere technical capabilities provided by on-the-job raining.

Some form of college degree can be helpful and…. Works Cited "Correctional officers. May 30, The middle of the decade of the 's was witness to the creation of the Technology Assessment Program Information Center and the Technology Program Advisory Agency. Their functions were as follows: Technology Assessment Program Information Center: Picked up laboratories for testing equipment, supervised the testing process, published reports concerning the results that the lab released after testing. Technology Program Advisory Agency: This was a large advisory body of senior local and federal law enforcement officials which are the predecessors to that which exists today Important in the advancement of police protection was the creation and application in use of pepper spray.

The Role of the National Institute for Justice in the Development of Law Enforcement technology: The National Institute of Justice issued a "mandate in its capacity as the criminal research and development arms of the U. Department of Justice was to improve and strengthen the nations' system of…. Bibliography Are U. Police Agencies Being Outpaced in Technology-policeone. Successful achievement of program requirements will often lead to a dropping or reduction of the charges while failure may bring back or enhance the penalties that are involved. Charges dismissed because of a diversion program will still lead to additional criminal history points under the U.

Sentencing Guidelines if there was a finding of guilt by a court or the defendant pleaded guilty or otherwise admitted guilt in open court, provided that the deferred disposition was not a juvenile matter Diversion Programs: An Overview, Conclusion Alternative to Incarceration Programs ATIs are part of the mix of factors that have allowed the City to reduce crime, reduce jail and prison populations, and help individuals and neighborhoods across the City. As an alternative to sentencing someone to jail or prison, ATIs permit a judge to sentence someone to a program where they obtain treatment, education and employment training in the community,…. References Alternative to Incarceration Programs: Cut Crime, Cut Costs, Help People and Communities. htm Electronic Monitoring of Offenders in the Community.

Children between 4 and 6 and children who are distant will also be provided a pen pal packet. Budget: Discount transit passes will be provided for children and their chaperone from the Boys and Girls Club through a benefit held by the inmates, as well as inmate donations. Supplies for pen pal packets have been donated by the United Way. All teachers are volunteering time to increase the efficacy of the program and show the inmates that they have commitment to it. club in time for the nightly meal, before they return….

References The Bright Side of Prison. The Wilson Quarterly, 27, Conley, a. Renny Golden, War on the Family: Mothers in Prison and the Families They Leave Behind. Golden, R. New York: Routledge. Hale, T. Creating Visions and Achieving Goals: The Women in Community Service's Lifeskills[TM] Program. Corrections Today, 63, Not only does this result harm a woman's self-worth, but it may also obstruct with her capability to be relaxed with her sexuality. The terror, psychological distress, and limitations on personal liberty described in this article have apparent consequences for women as individuals. Not so apparent, are the consequences suffered by civilization as a whole.

In effect, the harms of street harassment extend to its impact upon the affiliation between the sexes, upon the structure of gender in society, and upon community and political relations in general. A lot of analysts have concluded that the intention of street harassers is, in fact, to remind women of their gender identity and their place in civilization. Even though it is dangerous to draw conclusions from the effects of intentions, explanations are often gained. This was a very interesting article. Harassment of women by strangers on the street has been around for a….

References Bowman, Cynthia Grant. Street Harassment and the Informal Ghettoization of Women. Harvard Law Review, 3 , pp. Louise oodward, oodward's legal team filed motions after her conviction to the trial court for which a hearing began on November 4th. In the days following the verdict it came out that the jury had been split about the murder charge, but those who had favored an acquittal were persuaded to accept a conviction. This fact was of no legal consequence, however. On November 10th, at a post-conviction relief hearing, Judge Hiller B.

Zobel reduced the conviction to involuntary manslaughter, saying that the circumstances in which the defendant acted were characterized by confusion, inexperience, frustration, immaturity and some anger, but not malice in the legal sense supporting a conviction for second-degree murder. He also said that he thought that allowing this defendant on this evidence to remain convicted of second-degree murder would be a miscarriage of justice Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. oodward's sentence was reduced to…. Works Cited "Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Louise Woodward. LexisNexis Academic. According to search warrants, two days before Clark was arrested, investigators found blood in plain view on the kitchen floor near the entrance to his apartment.

The warrants do not specify the source of the blood. Authorities removed plastic door panels and carpeting with blood-like stains from the car in which Clark was riding in the hours after Le disappeared. Police say a green-ink pen found under Le's body had her blood and Clark's DNA on it. Police say that Clark signed into the secure building with a green pen on Sept. DNA from Le and Clark was also found on a bloody sock that was hidden in the ceiling Yale Lab Tech Hit with 2nd Murder Charge, The jurisdiction for this crime would be the State of Connecticut. The specific actus rea in this crime would be the act of strangling.

The mens…. References Arnsdorf, Isaac, Miller, Zeke, Korn, Harrison and Paul Needham. Clark Charged in Le GRD '13 Murder. Raymond Clark III Arrested, But Many Questions Remain. Retrieved February 2, , from The Huffington Post Web site:. In fact, he did time in jail while he was the leader for arms possession and hijacking. Violence was common with this particular group, and in an effort to frighten and "intimidate" police, prison guards were killed by Hells Angel members in Eventually, Boucher was tried and convicted for orchestrating the killings Editors. In addition, many other criminal investigations have turned up large amounts of money, weapons, drugs, and evidence of other illegal activities, such as extortion and coercion by club members and in clubhouses across America and the world.

References Editors. Juvenile Community Corrections Corrections in Community-Based Settings Community-based corrections: Factors to consider when dealing with juvenile offenders One seemingly self-evident truth regarding juvenile offenders might seem to be that socio-economic status will have a significant impact upon the individual's ability to find adequate treatment. The research does support the idea that individuals of higher socioeconomic status SES are less likely commit juvenile crimes. Also, it would seem that a wealthy, well-connected suburban family who is able to offer private counseling to their child is more likely to see the teen transition out of juvenile corrections than one who does not. An overall literature review suggests that lower SES is linked with the likelihood of perpetuating juvenile crimes.

In another study of urban youth comparing those from high SES neighborhoods vs. low SES neighborhoods, the high SES youth were half as likely to engage in serious delinquency Atkins et al. References Atkins, T. Wealthy and wise? influence of socioeconomic status on the community adjustment of previously incarcerated youth. Behavioral Disorders, 32 4 , Perceptions of successful graduates of juvenile residential programs: Reflections and suggestions for success The Journal of Correctional Education 59 1. Woolard, Jennifer L. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, -- corrections officer? After graduating from high school, I held a number of different odd jobs. I worked as a dishwasher, a janitor, and in a factory. After coming to the realization that I needed to find a career, I applied for a job with the Department of Corrections and was fortunate enough to be hired.

That was over 25 years ago and I am nearing my time for retirement. What has been your position with the Department? In the beginning I was a beginning level corrections officer with very simple responsibilities. I would work on the processing of new prisoners. My duties were to meet the new inmates as they arrived at the prison and have them turn in their personal belongings and issue them their prison wardrobe. It was easy work and most of the prisoners were so nervous and scared that they were very manageable. After a couple…. Franklin, T. Examining the empirical relationship between prison crowding and inmate misconduct: A meta-analysis of conflicting research results.

Journal of Criminal Justice, Ogloff, J. Offender Rehabilitation: From "Nothing Works" to What Next? Australian Psychologist, Criminal Justice-Corrections. Correction System in the United States The objective of this brief study is to examine the correctional system in the United States. This system was historically a state-owned and government-operated institution however, in recent years the prison system in the United States has become privatized and this has created a new paradigm in terms of housing prisoners under the present judicial system's orders. If It Is roken The prison system received a wake-up call in the Spring of due to a ruling by the U.

Supreme Court that the California prison system was required to reduce the inmates in its overcrowded prison system by 30, individuals. The court ruled that the California state's system was "incompatible with the concept of human dignity. Bibliography Mikkelsen, Randall U. Prison System: Costly and Harmful Failure. Reuters News. htm Thomas, Cal and Beckel, Bob Jailbroken: 5 Ways to Fix the U. Correction Institutions Administration and Leadership Maintaining order and control in correctional facilities -- while also presiding over well-managed facilities from a fiscal and ethical perspective -- is the goal of every conscientious administrator.

The Center for Innovative Public Policies CIPP published a list of "core competencies" for leadership in correctional facilities. Among the skills most vital to a competent prison leader are: a to be able to "anticipate, analyze, and resolve organizational challenges"; b to build and "maintain positive relationships with external stakeholders"; c to "communicate effectively" and to "comprehend, obtain, and manage fiscal resources"; d to create a diverse organizational that "promotes respect"; e to be visionary and to engage in "strategic planning" and develop a vision for the mission of the institution; f to enhance "self-awareness and maintain proactive professional commitment; g to "establish organizational authority" and design roles and responsibilities; h to make sound decisions, manage change,….

Works Cited Center for Innovative Public Policies. Core Competencies for Jail Leaders. Trulson, Chad R. Gang Suppression and Institutional Control. Corrections One News. United Nations. Handbook for Prison Leaders. Wortley, Richard. Situational Prison Control: Crime Prevention in Correctional. etribution Corrections and etribution etribution is considered as the penalty that is imposed on an individual or a group of people for the crimes they committed with an aim of making them experience the same amount of pain or loss as the victim of their crimes. etribution programs are set up to correct people who go against the law of justice. It is normally set for individuals who do something that is illegal. For this case, the offenders suffer for the wrong-doing; the aim of retribution is to take action on people who infringed the rights of other individuals.

This paper analyzes the purpose of retribution programs conversely to the appropriate ways of how those purposes can be accomplished; it also illustrates some methods of retributive justice models which are applied to the offenders. Various philosophers have come up with contested arguments on the value for or arguments against retributive…. References Redekop, P. Changing paradigms: Punishment and Restorative Discipline. London: Herald Press. Shoham, S. Some come with a restriction on the number of pages. Utilizing Valuable Essay Examples Numerous inspiring essay writing examples can be found on books, journals and various websites. Some of these had been written by renowned essayists while others are works of those who….

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