Monday, December 27, 2021

Essays on religion

Essays on religion

In the beginning of the semester, essays on religion, I wrote on the Discussion Board that even though I am from Asia and people may think that I am familiar with religions of Essays on religion, I essays on religion not have much understanding of various religious faiths in Asia. It is believed that one can obtain the cherished goal of religion by way of giving alms and assistance to the helpless and needy persons. They have faith without reasoning which is blind. CO3: Plan prevention and population-focused interventions for vulnerable populations using professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice. A scenario of his leadership was when he Is the basis for salvation in creeds and dogmas or in experience.

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Religion is an almost universal institution in human society. It is found in all societies, past and present, essays on religion. All the preliterate societies known to us have religion. Religion goes back to the beginning of the culture itself. It is a very ancient institution. There is no primitive society without religion. Image Courtesy : upload. Like other social institutions, religion also arose from the intellectual power of essays on religion in response to certain felt needs of men. While most people consider religion as universal and therefore, a significant institution of societies. It is the foundation on which the normative structure of society stands. It is the social institution that deals with sacred things, that lie beyond our knowledge and control.

It has influenced other institutions. It has been exerting tremendous influence upon political and economic aspects of life. It is said that man from the earliest essays on religion has been incurably religious. Judaism, Christianity, Islam Semitic religionsHinduism and Buddhism; Confucianism, essays on religion, Taoism and Shinto Chinese-Japanese religions etc. are examples of the great religions of the world. Religion is concerned with the shared beliefs and practices of human beings. It is the human response to those elements in the life and environment of essays on religion which are beyond their ordinary comprehension, essays on religion. Religion is pre-eminently social and is found in nearly all societies.

Majumdar and Madan explain that the word religion has its origin in the Latin word Rel I igio. This is derived from two root words. The second root refers to the carrying out those activities which link human beings with the supernatural powers. Thus, we find that the word religion basically represents beliefs and practices which are generally the main characteristics of all religions. Central to all religions is the concept of faith. Religion in this sense is the organisation of faith which binds human beings to their temporal and transcendental foundation. By faith man is distinguished from other beings. It is essentially a subjective and private matter. Faith is something which binds us together and is therefore, more important than reason.

According to James G. Arnold W. Thus, there are numerous definitions of religion given thinkers according to essays on religion own conceptions. As a matter of fact the forms in which religion expresses itself vary so much that it is difficult to agree upon a definition. Some maintain that religion includes a belief in supernatural or mysterious powers and that it expresses itself in overt activities designed to deal with those powers. Others regard religion as something very earthly and materialistic, designed to achieve practical ends. While it is possible to define religion as belief in God or some super-natural powers, it is well to remember that there can also be a Godless religion as Buddhism.

In sociology, the word religion is used in a wider sense than that used in religious books. A common characteristic found among all religions is that they represent a essays on religion of emotional feelings and attitudes towards mysterious and perplexities of life. According essays on religion Radin it consists of two parts: a Physiological and b psychological, essays on religion. The physiological part expresses itself in such acts as kneeling, closing the eyes, touching the feet. The psychological part consists of supernormal sensitivity to certain traditions and beliefs. If we analyse the great religions of the world, we shall find that each of them contains, five basic elements: 1 belief in supernatural powers, 2 belief in the holy, 3 ritual, 4 acts defined as sinful and 5 some method of salvation.

The first basic element of religion is the belief that there are supernatural powers. These powers are believed to influence human life and control all natural phenomena. Some call these supernatural forces God, other call them Gods, essays on religion. There are even others who do not call them by any name. They simply consider them as forces in their universe. Thus, belief in the non-sensory, super-empirical world is the first element of religion. There are certain holy or sacred elements of religion. These constitute the heart of the religion. There are certain things which are regarded as holy or sacred. But a thing is holy or sacred not because of a peculiar quality of thing. An attitude makes a thing holy, essays on religion. The sacred character of a tangible thing is not observable to the senses.

Sacred things are symbols. They symbolize the things of the unseen, super-empirical world, they symbolize certain sacred but tangible realities. When a Hindu worships a cow, he worships it not because of the kind of animal the cow is, but because of a host of super-empirical characteristics which this animal is imagined to represent. It includes any kind of behavior such as the wearing of special clothing and the immersion in certain rivers, in the Ganga for instanceprayers, hymns, creedal recitations, and other forms of reverence, usually performed with other people and in public. It can include singing, essays on religion, weeping, crawling, starving, feasting, etc.

Failure to perform these acts is considered a sin. Each religion defines certain acts as sinful and profane unholy. They are certain moral principles which are explained to have a supernatural origin. It is believed that the powers of the other world cherish these principles. It may also bring upon him the disfavour of the supernatural powers. If the behaviour is not in accordance with the religions code, the behaviour or act is considered as sinful. A method of salvation is the fifth basic element of religion. Man needs some method by which he can regain harmony with the Gods through removal of guilt.

In Hindu religion Moksha or Salvation represents the end of life, the realisation of an inner spirituality in man, essays on religion. The Hindu seeks release from the bondage of Karma, which is the joy or suffering he undergoes as a result of his actions in his life. The ultimate end of life is to attain Moksha. The Buddhist hopes to attain Salvation by being absorbed in the Godhead and entering Nirvana. In short, religion is the institutionalised set of beliefs men hold about supernatural forces, essays on religion. It is more or less coherent system of beliefs and practices concerning a supernatural order of beings, forces, places or other entities. Religion is interwoven with all aspects of human life: with kinship systems, economic and political institutions.

It has shaped domestic, economic and political institutions. Hence, it is obvious that religion performs a number of functions both for the religious group and for the wider society. These functions of religion are discussed bellow. Religion may be said to help in the struggle for societal survival. Rushton Coulborn has shown that religion played a crucial role in the formation and early development of seven primary civilisations: Egyptian Mesopotamian, Indian, essays on religion, Cretan, Chinese, Middle American and Andean. Religion in each of these societies gave its members the courage needed for survival in an unfavourable environment, by giving explanations to certain aspects of the human conditions which could not be explained in a rational manner. In present societies religion also performs this role.

By relating the empirical world to the super-empirical world religion gives the individual a sense of security in this rapidly changing world. This sense of security of the individual has significance for the essays on religion. Religion acts as a unifying force and hence, essays on religion, promotes social integration in several ways. Religion plays an important part in crystallising, symbolising and reinforcing common values and norms. It thus provides support for social standards, essays on religion, socially accepted behaviour. Common faith, values and norms etc. are significant in unifying people.

As the individuals perform rituals collectively their essays on religion to group ends is enhanced. Through a ritual individual expresses common beliefs and sentiments. It thus helps him to identify himself more with his fellows, and to distinguish himself more from members of other groups, communities or nations. By distinguishing between holy and unholy things, religion creates sacred symbol for the values and this symbol becomes the rallying point for all persons who share the same values. The cow as a sacred symbol of the Hindus, for example, is a rallying point which gives cohesion to Hindu society. Religion performs its function of integration through social control. It regulates the conduct of individuals by enforcing moral principles on them and by essays on religion powerful sanctions against them for violation.

It is the ultimate source of social cohesion. The primary requirement of society is the common possession of social values by which individuals control the actions of self and others and through which society is perpetuated, essays on religion. These social values emanate from religious faith. Religion is the foundation upon which these values rest. Children should obey their parents, should not tell a lie or cheat, women should be faithful to men; people should be honest and virtuous are some of the social values which maintain social cohesion.

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It begins and ends with the assumption that Christ is the revelation of God. We might ask what are some of the specific values that Christianity seeks to conserve? First Christianity speaks of the value of the world. In its conception of the world, it is not negative; it stands over against the asceticisms, world denials, and world flights, for example, of the religions of India, and is world-affirming, life affirming, life creating. Gautama bids us flee from the world, but Jesus would have us use it, because God has made it for our sustenance, our discipline, and our happiness. Christianity also insists on the value of persons. All human personality is supremely worthful. I realize that there have been times that Christianity has short at this point.

There have been periods in Christians history that persons have been dealt with as if they were means rather than ends. But Christianity at its highest and best has always insisted that persons are intrinsically valuable. And so it is the job of the Christian to love every man because God love love. We must not love men merely because of their social or economic position or because of their cultural contribution, but we are to love them because God they are of value to God. Christianity is also concerned about the value of life itself.

Christianity is concerned about the good life for every child, man, and woman and child. Christianity has always had a concern for the elimination of disease and pestilence. This is seen in the great interest that it has taken in the hospital movement. Christianity is concerned about increasing value. The whole concept of the kingdom of God on earth expressing a concern for increasing value. We need not go into a dicussion of the nature and meaning of the Kingdom of God, only to say that Christians throughout the ages have held tenaciouly to this concept. They have looked forward for a time to come when the law of love becomes the law of life.

In the light of all that we have said about Christianity as a value philosophy, where does the ministry come into the picture? All systems of theology are as transient as the cultures they are patterned from. There is a basic inconsistency in Tillich's thought at this point. On the one hand he speaks as a religious naturalist making God wholly immanent in nature. King folded this assignment lengthwise and signed his name on the verso of the last page. Of Religion p. Siddhartha Gautama ca. The necessity of a call b. The necessity for disinterested love c. Document Research Requests.

Cypress Hall D, Via Ortega, Stanford, CA P: F: kinginstitute stanford. edu Campus Map. The Institute cannot give permission to use or reproduce any of the writings, statements, or images of Martin Luther King, Jr. Please c ontact Intellectual Properties Management IPM , the exclusive licensor of the Estate of Martin Luther King, Jr. at licensing i-p-m. com or Skip to content Skip to navigation. SUNetID Login SUNetID Login. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Gunn, Review of Metaphysics. Skip to main content. Please ensure you're using that browser before attempting to purchase. Description Reviews.

Out of Print The noted German sociologist and philosopher Georg Simmel wrote a number of essays that deal directly with religion as a fundamental process in human life. These essays set forth Simmel's mature reflections on religion and its relation to modernity, personality, art, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and science. They also include his views on methods in the study of religion and his thoughts on achieving a broader perspective on religion. Originally published between and , the last twenty years of Simmel's life, the essays are collected here in English for the first time. The essays provide an excellent picture of the development of the characteristic doctrines of Simmel's thought as applied to religion, based on phenomenological analysis of human experience that emphasizes the subjective dimensions of life.

The collection shows that Simmel was interested less in the forms that religions take than in what he calls a "particular spiritual quality" or "attitude of the soul"--a feeling of religiousness that precedes the forms of religion and may later be projected onto them. Viewing religion as primarily a quality of social relationships that can be analyzed in various contexts, Simmel makes a unique contribution to the sociological analysis of religion, as well as offering valuable insights for scientific consideration. Justice Justice is a concept based on numerous ideas and theories coming from many different fields, viewpoints, and perspectives.

Simply stated, justice means to be fair to all, or to set things right Pomerleau n. Although this definition seems simple it sparks important questions such A reflection day it is time where your whole cohort gets to reflect on how the year is going and experiences a wide range of performances and activities from the Youth Mission Team about the Introduction In this essay, the topic of confirmation within the Christian church is going to be discussed as a rite of passage. Confirmation is a religious ritual practiced by Christians where a baptised person is able to confirm the promises made on their behalf at In the novel Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, the most significant theme that strengthened connection between the contrasting sections through the former life recognition of various characters of six stories.

However, the main characters of the six stories are not reincarnations of each other. Evil and its origins is a very difficult subject to comprehend. It is a concept people have been contemplating for centuries. At the forefront of this subject are the arguments put forth by two of the most well-known philosophers in history, Saint Augustine and Friedrich With over 4, religions out there. One of In Islamic law, there is prohibition on consuming non-halal food and beverages. But, the fact is that Muslims in Indonesia, there are still many who In biblical history, covenant is one of the most important contract or agreement made between God and his chosen people.

They live according to the agreement without losing their faith and hope. They are committed to abide the commandments which was given through Moses at Reincarnation is a belief believed for many years and this belief changes religion to religion and it is a mystery situation. According to our beliefs and minds, there are a lot of Shintoism is a faith that is followed by people who are Japanese or sometimes live in Japan. Shinto is sometimes not labelled as a religion because it is more of a livelihood. Shintoism is a very old religion, and is like an indigenous faith to

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